How Much is a Blitzle Pokemon Card Worth

Some people might say that a Blitzle Pokemon card is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. However, there are a few things that can be taken into consideration when determining the value of the card. The first thing to consider is the condition of the card.

A brand new, mint condition card is going to be worth more than a heavily used card with bent corners and creases. Another thing to consider is whether or not the card is a rare or holo version. Rare cards are always going to be worth more than non-rare cards.

Finally, the value of a Blitzle Pokemon card can also depend on how popular the character is at the time. If everyone wants a Blitzle card, then it will be worth more than if no one is interested in it.

Blitzle cards are worth around $10. However, if you have a rare or hard-to-find card, it could be worth more. For example, a first edition Blitzle card could be worth up to $100.

If you’re looking to sell your Blitzle card, make sure to do your research beforehand so you know how much it’s actually worth.

Pokemon Card Review Monday: Blitzle


What is the Value of a Blitzle Pokemon Card

A Blitzle Pokemon card is worth anywhere from $0.50 to $5, depending on the condition of the card and whether or not it is a rare card. A common Blitzle card can be found for around $0.50, while a rarer version of the card can go for upwards of $5.


A Blitzle Pokemon card is worth about $10. The value of the card may vary depending on its condition and whether it is a first edition or not.


How much is a Blitzle Pokemon card worth?

The value of a Blitzle Pokemon card can vary depending on several factors, including its rarity, condition, edition, and demand among collectors. To determine the specific worth of a Blitzle card, it is recommended to check online marketplaces, auction sites, or consult with professional collectors for a current market estimate.

What factors determine the value of a Blitzle Pokemon card?

The value of a Blitzle Pokemon card is influenced by factors such as its rarity, condition, edition, and the level of demand among collectors. Cards that are in mint condition, part of limited editions, or highly sought after by collectors tend to have a higher value. Considering these factors is important when determining the worth of a Blitzle Pokemon card.

Where can I find the current market value of a Blitzle Pokemon card?

To find the current market value of a Blitzle Pokemon card, you can explore online marketplaces and auction sites that specialize in trading cards. These platforms often have listings for various Pokemon cards, including Blitzle. Additionally, you can consult with reputable collectors or join Pokemon card collecting communities to get insights on the card’s value.

Can the value of a Blitzle Pokemon card increase over time?

Yes, the value of a Blitzle Pokemon

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